Journal of Ancient Civilizations


WU, YUHONG: The Anonymous Nasa and Nasa of the Animal Center during Šulgi 44–48 and the Wild Camel (gú-gur5), Hunchbacked Ox (gur8-gur8), ubi, habum and the Confusion of the Deer (lulim) with Donkey (anše) or šeg9 (1–20)

BLOCH, YIGAL: Solving the Problems of the Assyrian King List: Toward a Precise Reconstruction of Middle Assyrian Chronology, Part I (21–54)

BLOCH, YIGAL: Solving the Problems of the Assyrian King List: Toward a Precise Reconstruction of Middle Assyrian Chronology, Part II (55–88)

SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, JUAN PABLO: Livia, Gaius and Lucius Caesares, and the “Twin Lights” of the Pax Augusta (89–98)


Xinru Liu, The Silk in World History, and John E. Hill, Through the Jade Gate to Rome. A Study of the Silk Routes during the Later Han Dinasty 1st to 2nd Centuries CE (J. P. SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ) (99–102)

Andrew Erskine (ed.), A Companion to Ancient History, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (YAN SHAOXING) (103–106)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2010, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (107–108)

Archives of Animal Center of Ur-III Dynasty in Drehem: AACUD Project in IHAC (2005–2010) (109–110)

Books Received (111)

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