Journal of Ancient Civilizations

Editor’s Note


BORD, LUCIEN-JEAN: Lecture juridique du kudurru BM 90827 (1–20)

CROXEN, KEVIN: A Philological Examination of the “Thessalian Trick” and Greek Eclipse Terminology with Reference to the Early Development of Greek Astronomy (21–38)

DEPUYDT, LEO: “Far Toward”: a Common Hieroglyphic Idiom (39–46)

ELSDON, SHEILA M.: The Iron Age Mint of the Corieltauvi: Old Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England (47–58)

GOSLINE, SHELDON: Quarry Setting and Team Marks: The Carian Connection (59–82)

GUO, DANTONG: The Relationships of Egypt and the Western Asia during the Middle Kingdom Reflected in the Inscription of Amenemhet II from Memphis (83–90)

HAO, JITAO: Who were the Hyrnathii? (91–92)

KEEN, ANTONY G.: Persian Policy in the Aegean, 412–386 B.C. (93–110)

LIU, YANHU / GOSLINE, SHELDON: Redefining the Study of Egyptian Hieratic (111–130)

WU, YUHONG: The Slave Hairstyle: Elamite and Other Foreign Hairstyles in the 3rd and 2nd Millenia (131–138)


Shua Amorai-Stark, Wolfe Family Collection of Near Eastern Prehistoric Stamp Seals (SHELDON L. GOSLINE) (139–140)

Chet van Duzer, Duality and Structure in the Iliad and Odyssey (CHRISTOPHER EHRHARDT) (141–143)

Fritz Graf, Magic in the Ancient World (LESTER J. NESS) (144–146)

Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization (SHELDON L. GOSLINE) (147–151)

Peter Lacovara, The New Kingdom Royal City (SHELDON L. GOSLINE) (152–153)

Karl Strobel, Die Galater (LESTER J. NESS) (154–157)

William Smith Watt (ed.), Velleius Paterculus: Historiarum libri duo (WU YANGE) (158)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1997–1998, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (159)

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