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Volume 1, 1986

Foreword (1–2)


Zhou, Gucheng / Wu, Yujin / Lin, Zhichun: The Void in the Study of Ancient Civilizations in Our Country Must Be Filled (3–11)

Wu, Yuhong: A Horse-bone Inscription Copied from the Cyrus Cylinder (line 18–21) in the Palace Museum in Beijing (13–20)

Hannig, Rainer H. G.: Der Kernbereich des Mittelägyptischen Verbalsystems I. Die Infinitivtempora (21–125)

Cole, Steven W.: Four Early Neo-Babylonian Lists Officials and Professions from Nippur (127–143)

Hannig, Rainer H. G. / Huang, R .F. / Ling, Hu R. M.: A Note on the Use of Egyptian Prepositions (145–147)

Volume 2, 1987


Hannig, Rainer H. G.: Modelle zum mittelägyptischen Tempussystem. Ein Überblick: 1928–1982 (1–46)

Yang, Dawu: Hammurapi and Bureaucracy. A Study of the Role of Šamaš-Hāzir (47–84)

Gong, Yushu: Ergativität und das Sumerische. Eine Einführung in die Ergativität im allgemeinen und die Ergativität im Submerischen (85–120)

Yang, Zhi: The Name of the City Adab (121–125)

Kytzler, Bernhard: In medio mihi Caesar erit. Beobachtungen zur Strukturierung vergilischer Dichtungen (126–130)


Xue, Shenwei: Brief Note on the Bone Cuneiform Inscriptions (131–134)


Grimal, Vergil (Bernhard Kytzler) (135–137)

Petersmann (ed.), Walther Kraus, Aus Allem Eines. Studien zur antiken Geistesgeschichte (Bernhard Kytzler) (138)

Altheim-Stiehl / Rosenbach (ed.), Beiträge zur altitalischen Geistesgeschichte. Festschrift Radke (Bernhard Kytzler) (138–142)

Volume 3, 1988

Editor’s Note


Yang, Zhi: The Excavation of Adab (1–21)

Yang, Dawu: Length in Proto-Semitic (22–34)

Brashear, William: A Christian Amulet (35–45)

Mutschler, Fritz-Heiner: Politics and Privacy in Horace’s Odes (46–58)

Shen, Chen: A Survey of Current Chinese Archaeology (59–80)


Shi, Quan: International Academic Conference on the History and Culture of the Ancient State of Chu, Opening Speech (81–84)


Knapp, The History and Culture of Ancient Western Asia and Egypt (Yang Dawu / Yang Zhi) (85–89)

Volume 4, 1989

Editor’s Note


Kelley, Allyn: The Current Status of Egyptian Archaeology. Part I: Palaeogeographical and Palaeoclimatological Considerations (1–28)

Műller-Wollerman, Renate: Sanktionen zur Regelung staatlicher Arbeiten im Ăgypten des Neuen Reichs (29–38)

de Roos, Johan: KBo 33-216. A Votive Text of Tuthaliaš IV (39–48)

Wu, Yuhong: The Locality of the Four Cities in ARM 1 138 and 131 and the Date of the Two Letters (49–54)

Yang, Zhi: The King Lugal-Ane-Mundu (55–60)

Brashear, William: Rezept (61–80)

Mutschler, Fritz-Heiner: Four Poems of Horace Concerning Augustus (81–114)

Schubert, Werner: Achaemenides und Macareus. Ovids Kunst des Erzählens in Met. 14,154–440 (115–126)


Hofmann (ed.), Groningen Colloquia on the Novel. Volume 1 (IHAC) (127–129)

Volume 5, 1990

Editor’s Preface


Hao, Jitao: Bibliography of Works by Prof. Lin Zhichun (Ri Zhi) (1–8)

Gong, Yushu: Kalakku. Überlegungen zur Mannigfaltigkeit der Darstellungsweisen desselben Begriffs in der Keilschrift anhand des Beispiels Kalakku (9–24)

Wu, Yuhong: Did the Assyrian King List Attempt to Prove the Legitimacy of Šamši-Adad? (25–38)

Collins, Billie Jean: Hittite šaša- (39–48)

Jin, Jie: The Šahhan Festival (49–76)

Li, Xiwen (Silvin Košak): Night and Day, In War and in Peace (77–86)

De Roos, Johan: To the East or to the West? Some Comments on Wind Directions in Hittite Texts (87–96)

Hannig, Rainer: Ein Analytisches Beschreibungsmodell (97–124)

Kelley, Allyn: Perspectives on Egyptian History (125–134)

Meltzer, Edmund S.: ’ IW WN/ NN WN + Indefinite Noun in Middle Egyptian (135–150)

Brashear, William: Prescription (151–158)

Huang, Yang: Athenian Democracy: Some Problems in Recent Studies (159–178)

Kytzler, Bernhard: In medio mihi Caesar erit. II. Zur Struktur der Aeneis (179–186)

Mutschler, Fritz-Heiner: Seneca’s De vita beata (187–206)


Rice, Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook (Allyn Kelley) (207–210)

Hayes, A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts (Yang Zhi) (211–216)

Volume 6, 1991

Editor’s Note


Bryce, Trevor: The Trojan War in Its Near Eastern Context (1–22)

Hannig, Rainer: Die Erste Parabel des “Lebensmüden” (LM68-80) (23–32)

Huxley, George: Cities Given by Kyros to Pytharchos (33–36)

Schuberl, Werner: Zur Sage von Hercules und Cacus bei Vergil (Aen. 8,184–279) und Ovid (Fast. 1,543–586) (37–60)

Shen, Chen: The Mushabian Relationships with the Geometric Kebaran and the the Natufian (61–96)

Bayun, Lilia: Hittito-Luwian Historical Phonology (97–122)

Volume 7, 1992

Editor’s Note


Roszkowska-Mutschler, Hanna: “…and on its site I sowed cress…” Some Remarks on the Execration of Defeated Enemy Cities by the Hittite Kings (1–12)

Crowther, Charles: The Decline of Greek Democracy? (13–48)

Li, Ping: Was heißt es, der Natur zu folgen? Reflexionen über die Ethiklehre von Seneca und Konfuzius bzw. Menzius (49–66)

Pascal, Paul: A Medieval Poet and His Society (67–76)

Ukolova, Victoria: Three Defeats or The Happy Life of Flavius Cassiodorus (77–108)

Capogrossi-Colognesi, Luigi: R. von Jhering and the First Volume of the Geist des römischen Rechts (109–120)

Militarev, Alexander / Shnirelman, Victor: The Problem of a Proto-Afrasian Homeland and Culture (An Essay in Linguo-Archaeological Reconstruction) (121–130)

Bayun, Lilia: A Phrygian Word in Hieroglyphic Luwian (131–140)


Vassileva, Maya: The Sixth International Congress of Thracology (141)

Vassileva, Maya: The Second International Symposium for Thracian Studies (142)

Gong, Xiuhua: The 1992 Meeting of the Chinese Society of Ancient and Medieval World History (143–144)

M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations, 1988–1992, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (145–147)

Volume 8, 1993

Editor’s Note


Lin, Zhichun / Zhou, Gucheng / Wu, Yujin / Zhang, Zhenglang / Hu, Houxuan / Zhou, Yiliang / Ren, Jiyu / Zhang, Zhongpei / Liu, Jiahe: The Study of Classics in China and the West (1–24)

Beckman, Gary: From Cradle to Grave: Women’s Role in Hittite Medicine and Magic (25–39)

Crowther, Charles: Foreign Judges in Seleucid Cities (GIBM 421) (40–77)

Hao, Jitao: Peasant and State in Classical Athens and Zhou China: A Comparative Survey (78–104)

Melchert, H. Craig: A New Anatolian ‘Law of Finals’ (105–113)

Wu, Yuhong: The Extent of Turukkean Raids during the Reign of Šamši-Adad I (114–126)

von Bredow, Iris: Zum Problem der namenlosen Gottheiten nach altanatolischen Quellen (127–135)


Ivan Venedikov, The Birth of the Gods (Maya Vassileva) (136–140)

Hans G. Güterbrock / Harry A. Hoffner (ed.), The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Volume L-N. fasc. 1–4 (Lilia Bayun) (141–146)


Professor Wu Yujin (1913–1993) (147)


Ph.D. Dissertations 1993, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (148)

Volume 9, 1994

Editor’s Note


Bayun, Lilia: The Legend about the Queen of Kanis: a Historical Source? (1–13)

Crowther, Charles: Lord Dufferin’s Grand Tour and the Collection of Greek Inscriptions at Clandeboye (14–32)

Crowther, Charles: Foreign Courts on Kalymna in the Third Century B.C. (33–55)

Irmscher, Johannes: Der Demokratismus der frühbyzantinischen Zirkusparteien (56–61)

Kelley, Allyn: Foreign Domination and Cultural Absorption: a Comparison of Egypt’s African Pharaohs (Dynasty 25) and China’s Mongol Overlords (Yuan Dynasty) (62–74)

Kytzler, Bernhard: “In medio mihi Caesar erit” III: Zu den Zentren der Eklogen Vergils (75–81)

Liu, Jian: Hittite Women Singers: MUNUS zintuhi and MUNUSKI. SIKIL (82–94)

Meltzer, Edmund S.: A Note on the Employment of the Dedication Formula IR.N.F M MNW.F for Non-Royal Individuals (95–98)

Orel, Vladimir: Notes on Eteo-Cretan (99–103)

de Roos, Johan: The Hittites and Their History (104–114)

Wang, Yaping: Zur Entwicklung des Wiener Stadtrechts. im 13. Jahrhundert (115–123)

Wu, Yuhong: The Treaty between Shadlash (Sumu-Numhim) and Neribtum (Hammi-Dushur) (124–136)

Zhang, Qiang: The Origins of Seals and Sealings in China (137–143)


Sara E. Orel (ed.), Death and Taxes in the Ancient Near East (Edmund S. Meltzer / Tova W. Meltzer) (144–149)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1993–1994, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (150)

Volume 10, 1995

Editor’s Note

Obituary: Hu Houxuan (1–2)


Hu, Houxuan: Xia and the Tu State in the Oracle Inscriptions: A Consideration (3–20)

Bayun, Lilia: Remarks on Hittite “Traditional Literature” (Cannibals in Northern Syria) (21–32)

Chen, Xu: Hittite ker/kart- “Heart”: Functional and Ritual Aspects (33–40)

DuQuesne, Terence: Openers of the Paths: Canid Psychopomps in Ancient Egypt and India (41–53)

Guo, Dantong: The Inscription of Khnumhotpe II: A New Study (54–64)

Lee, Thomas G.: A Table for Ištar (65–70)

Lin, Zhichun: Huangdi, Gonghe, Confucius and Chen Wang: On the Classical Tradition of the Periodization of Ancient Chinese Classical Civilization (71–82)

Meltzer, Edmund S.: An Observation on Nominal Sentence with N-Demostratives in Classical Egyptian (83–84)

Mutschler, Fritz-Heiner: dialogi and epistulae. Observations on Seneca’s Development as a Philosophical Writer (85–100)

Pérez Largacha, Antonio: Chiefs & Chiefdoms in Protodynastic Egypt (101–110)

Taylor-Briggs, P. Ruth: Critical Observations on the Text of the Fourth Book of Valerius Flaccus’s Argonautica (111–126)

Wu, Yuhong: High-ranking “Scribes” and Intellectual Governors during the Akkadian and Ur III Periods (127–146)


Hu Houxuan Gudai Chengbang Shi Yanjiu, “Xia and the Tu State in the Oracle Inscriptions: A Consideration”, pp. 340–353 (Ri Zhi) (147–148)

Renée Friedman / Barbara Adams (ed.), The Followers of Horus. Studies Dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman (Edmund S. Meltzer) (149–154)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1994–1995, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (155)

Volume 11, 1996

Editor’s Note

Obituary: Zhou Gucheng (1–2)


Ding, Xun: Tablet UET 6/II 398 (3–20)

DuQuesne, Terence: The “Tonsured Ones” of Hathor (21–30)

Gong, Changwei / Liu, Jian: Court Institutions of the Western Zhou Dynasty Reflected in the Inscription on the Xiaoyu-Ding-Cauldron (31–42)

Kytzler, Bernhard: Sola Fida Suis: Die Hypsiple-Erzählung des Statius (Thebias, Buch 5) (43–52)

Meltzer, Edmund S.: Egyptian df3 “Purify, Wipe Away”= Semitic kpr? (53–56)

Roller, Duane W.: Augustan Literary Circles and Herod the Great (57–64)

Wu, Yuhong: The Ewes without Lambs and Lambs Cooked in É-uz-ga, “The Private House of Kings”, in the Drehem Archives (65–110)

Zheng, Dianhua: On the Role of Lu-Ninurta in Hammurapi’s Administrative Structure (111–122)


Terence DuQuesne, Black and Gold God. Colour Symbolism of the God Anubis with Observations on the Phenomenology of Colour in Egyptian and Comparative Religion; A. El Goresy & S. Schiegl, and A. Niwiński. Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology V: Who Knows the Color of God? (Edmund S. Meltzer) (123–130)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1995–1996, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (131)


The Announcement of the Second International Conference on Ancient World History (133)

Volume 12, 1997


Editor’s Note


Angelini, Marco: Did Protagoras have an Epistemology? (1–10)

Chard, Robert L.: Ancient Religion in China and the West Compared (11–24)

Dalley, Stephanie: Babylonian Influence in the Far East through the Buddha and Mani (25–36)

de Roos, J.: Anatolia and the Etruscans (37–44)

Hao, Jitao: A Survey on the ἀήρ of Anaximenes and the Qi Doctrines of Ancient China (45–56)

Keen, Antony G.: Eurymedon, Naxos and the Purpose of the Delian League (57–80)

Ness, Lester J.: The Zodiac in the Synagogue (81–92)

Oded, B.: Cutting down Orchards in Assyrian Royal Inscription – The Historiographic Aspect (93–98)

Rubinsohn, W. Z.: Macedon and Greece: The Case of Thebes (99–124)

Warburton, David: Kadesh and the Egyptian Empire (125–148)

Wu, Yuhong: The “Caterpillar-and-Herb” in Chinese Medicine and in Mesoptamian Medicine (149–152)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1996–1997, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (153)

Volume 13, 1998

Editor’s Note


Bord, Lucien-Jean: Lecture juridique du kudurru BM 90827 (1–20)

Croxen, Kevin: A Philological Examination of the “Thessalian Trick” and Greek Eclipse Terminology with Reference to the Early Development of Greek Astronomy (21–38)

Depuydt, Leo: “Far Toward”: a Common Hieroglyphic Idiom (39–46)

Elsdon, Sheila M.: The Iron Age Mint of the Corieltauvi: Old Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England (47–58)

Gosline, Sheldon: Quarry Setting and Team Marks: The Carian Connection (59–82)

Guo, Dantong: The Relationships of Egypt and the Western Asia during the Middle Kingdom Reflected in the Inscription of Amenemhet II from Memphis (83–90)

Hao, Jitao: Who were the Hyrnathii? (91–92)

Keen, Antony G.: Persian Policy in the Aegean, 412–386 B.C. (93–110)

Liu, Yanhu / Gosline, Sheldon: Redefining the Study of Egyptian Hieratic (111–130)

Wu, Yuhong: The Slave Hairstyle: Elamite and Other Foreign Hairstyles in the 3rd and 2nd Millenia (131–138)


Shua Amorai-Stark, Wolfe Family Collection of Near Eastern Prehistoric Stamp Seals (Sheldon L. Gosline) (139–140)

Chet van Duzer, Duality and Structure in the Iliad and Odyssey (Christopher Ehrhardt) (141–143)

Fritz Graf, Magic in the Ancient World (Lester J. Ness) (144–146)

Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization (Sheldon L. Gosline) (147–151)

Peter Lacovara, The New Kingdom Royal City (Sheldon L. Gosline) (152–153)

Karl Strobel, Die Galater (Lester J. Ness) (154–157)

William Smith Watt (ed.), Velleius Paterculus: Historiarum libri duo (Wu Yange) (158)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1997–1998, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (159)

Volume 14, 1999

Editor’s Note


Ehrhardt, Christopher: Sea Power, Economic Development, and Athens’ Popularity (1–18)

Espejo Muriel, Carlos: Achilles and Patroclus in Love. New Contributions to Greek Funeral Ritual (19–26)

Gosline, Sheldon: Form and Function of Egyptian Bread Moulds (27–44)

Guo, Dantong: The Inscription of Amenemhet II from Memphis: Transliteration, Translation, and Commentary (45–66)

Jones, F. M. A.: Parts versus Whole: The Perception of the Corporal as Personal (67–86)

Li, Xiaodong: Philosophical Thinking of Ma’at and Dào (87–94)

Linghu, Ruoming: The Deities seen from the Objects in Pre-Dynastic Egypt (95–100)

Saldanha da Gama, Gilza: La Batracomiomachie et l’ Iliad: Une guerre entre deux mondes (101–110)

Shapiro, Susan O.: Hippon the Athiest: The Surprisingly Intelligent Views of Samos (111–124)

Widell, Magnus: Der Mondgott Sîn in der altakkadischen Periode (125–144)


Yamauchi, Edwin M.: Martin Bernal’s Black Athena Revisited (145–152)


Steve Sidebotham / Wilhelmina Wendrich (ed.), Berenike ’96. Report of the Excavations at Berenike and the Survey of the Eastern Desert (Farouk al-Rawi) (153)

Sheldon Lee Gosline, Hieratic Paleography 1: Introductory Late Egyptian (Katja Reinhardt) (154–155)

B. Haring / R. Maaijer (eds.), Landless and Hungry? (Sheldon Gosline) (156)

A. C. V. M. Bongenaar, The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar Temple at Sippar: Its Administration and its Prosopography (Wu Yuhong) (157–161)

David P. Silverman (ed.), Searching for Ancient Egypt: Art, Architecture, and Artefacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Sheldon Gosline) (162–163)

Maria Brosius / Amelie Kuhrt (ed.), Studies in Persian History: Essays in Memory of David M. Lewis (Christopher Ehrhardt) (164–166)

Shannon N. Byrne / Edmund P. Cueva (ed.), Veritatis amicitiaeque causa: Essays in Honor of Anna Lydia Motto and John R. Clark (Lester Ness) (167–169)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1998–1999, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (170)

90th Birthday of Professor Lin Zhichun, founder of the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (171)

Errata for JAC 13 (172)

Books Received (173)

Volume 15, 2000

Editor’s Note


Byrne, Shannon: Poets and Maecenas: The Making of a Patron (1–12)

Cueva, Edmund: Necrologies in Tacitus (13–28)

Gosline, Sheldon: What Do You Do? Reflections on (Post)-Processualism (29–42)

Harrison, George W. M.: The Byzantine Efflorescence in Crete (43–49)

Reinhardt, Katja: Babas Drohung (51–58)

Widell, Magnus: Some Consideration on the Meating of giš bi2-(in)-DU3 in the Royal Inscription of Utu-hegal (59–68)

Wu, Yange / Russel, Victoria A.: Philo On the Embassy 80: Caligula Dressing as Heroes (69–78)

Wu, Yuhong: How Did They Change from Mašda Years to Akiti Years from Šulgi 45 to Šulgi 48 in Puzriš-Dagan (79–92)


I. J. Vanstiphout (ed.), All those Nations…Cultural Encounters within and with the Near East (Lester Ness) (93–96)

Lucy Goodison / Christine Morris (ed.), Ancient Goddesses. The Myths and Evidence (Carol Hershenson) (97–103)

Bert Roest / Herman Vanstiphout (ed.), Aspects of Genre and Type in Pre-Modern Literary Cultures (Sheldon Gosline) (104–108)

Barbara Lesko, The Great Goddesses of Egypt (Katja Reinhardt) (109–112)

J. C. Yardley / Waldemar Heckel (ed.), Justin, Epitome of the Philippic of Pompeius Trogus Books 11–22, text and commentary (Xu Xiaoxu) (113–118)

D. R. Shipley (ed.), Plutarch’s ‘Life of Agesilaos’: Response to Sources in the Presentation of Character, text and commentary (George W. M. Harrison) (119–121)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 1999–2000, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (122)

Volume 16, 2001

Editor’s Note


Linghu, Ruoming: Xia Nai, An Early Pioneer in the Field of Egyptology in China (1–4)

Adams, Geoff: Licinius Sura, Dio and the not so Acephalous ILS 1022 (5–8)

Wheatley, Pat: Three Missing Years in the Life of Demetrius the Besieger: 310–308 B.C. (9–20)

Chen, KeFeng: Differences Between Caesar’s Two Invasions of Britain (21–30)

Widell, Magnus: Kud-da May be Innocent! An Ur III Lawsuit Dealing with Sheep Robbery Revised (31–36)

Selz, Gebhard J.: Sex, Crime, and Politics. Zur Interpretation Sumerischer Literaturwerke. Uberlegungen zu Inana-k und Sukaletuda (37–58)

Ray, Corey C.: Understanding the Ancient Egyptians: An Examination of Living Creature Hierohlyphs (59–86)

Guo, Honggeng: The Mysterious Four-faced Statue (OIM A719) (87–92)

Stewart, James J.: The Chang in Cartimandua’s Character in Annals 12.40 and Histories 3.45 (93–100)

Wu, Yuhong: Lugalanda’s Economic Reform in House of Lady in Girsu (101–128)


Barbara Levick, Vespasian (James Stewart) (129–130)

Elissa Castel, Egipto: Signos y Símboles de lo Sagrado (Corey C. Ray) (131–132)

Marc van de Mieroop, Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History (Gao Lei) (133–135)

D. Rohl (ed.), The Following of Horu: Eastern Desert Survey Report, vol. I (Sheldon Gosline) (136)

E. D. Oren (ed.), The Sea Peoples and their World: A Reassesment (Sheldon Gosline) (137–138)

David Brown, Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology (Lester Ness) (139–141)

INDEX FOR JAC, VOLUMES 1–15 (143–150)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2000–2001, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (151)

Volume 17, 2002

Editor’s Note


Guo, Dantong: The Relationship Between Egypt and Palestine in the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3400-2000 BCE) (1–6)

Beylage, Peter: Propaganda in Ancient Egyptian Texts: An Attempt at Definition (7–12)

Sillar, Shamus: The Eastern Expedition of Lucius Verus (AD162–166) (13–38)

Newbold, Ronald: Ridicule, Insults and Abuse in Ammianus and Gregory of Tours (39–58)

Sneddon, Andrew C.: Worlds within Worlds: Perceptions of Space, Place and Landscape in Ancient Greece (59–76)

Gong, Yushu: A Homonymous List: Idu II (CT 11, 29–32,D.T.40) (77–98)

Widell, Magnus: Reconstructing the Early History of the Ur III State: Some Methodological Considerations of the Use of Year Formulae (99–112)

Wu, Yuhong: The Calendar Synchronization and the Intercalary Months in Umma, Puzriš-Dagan, Nippur, Lagaš and Ur during the Ur III Period (113–134)


Pat Southern, Augustus (Wang Guiling) (135)

Kathleen McCarthy, Slaves, Masters and the Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy (James Stewart) (136–138)

Stephen R. Wilk, Medusa: Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon (Xu Xiaoxu) (139–143)

Rhiannon Ash, Ordering Anarchy: Leaders and Armies in Tacitus’ Histories (Zhang Nan) (144–145)

Gary Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts. 2nd edition (Li Zheng) (146–148)


The Development of Egyptology in China (Linhu Ruoming) (149–151)

M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2001–2002, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (152)

Books Received (153)

Volume 18, 2003


Gong, Yushu: The Names of Cuneiform Signs (1–22)

Wu, Yuhong: The Nippur Bankers’ Archives during the Ur III Period (23–52)

Sviatopolk-Tchetvertynski, Igor: Notes on the Structure of the Incantation of Maqlû Series (53–62)

Guo, Dantong: The Relationship between Egypt and Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550/1500–1200 BCE) (63–74)

Nadooshan, Farhang Khademi / Qaderi, Ali Reza / Yousefi, Rohollah: Disappearing of Greek Legends in the North East of Iran (75–82)

Gong, Xiuhua: The Effects of the Punic Wars on Rome (83–92)

Ronnick, Michele Valerie: Enargeia in Cicero’s Paradoxa Stoicorum (93–96)

Stewart, James J.: Who Surrendered to Claudius at Camulodunum in A.D. 43? (97–102)

Rebrik, Victor: Sources of the Excursus about the Jews (Tacitus, Historiae V, 1–10) (103–112)

Adams, G. W.: The Connection between Romano-CelticTemples and Rural Romanised Villas in Britain: an Examination of Some Possible Sites in Gloucestershire (113–122)


Clifford Ando, Roman Religion (Victor Rebrik) (123)

J. Scheid, An Introduction to Roman Religion (Victor Rebrik) (124)

M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2003, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (125)

Books Received (126)

Volume 19, 2004

Editor’s note


Wu, Yuhong: Donkey Fodders of the House of the Lady and Decline of Urukagina’s Regime from His Fifth Year (1–20)

Yuan, Zhihui: Amurru’s Expansion and Egypt’s Response in the Amarna Age (21–32)

Yiğit, Turgut: Sequence of Internal Events During the Foundation Period of the Hittite Kingdom (33–44)

Hüneburg, Mirco: Privatbesitz und Amtsbesitz der ägyptischen Nomarchen im Mittleren Reich (45–58)

Besnier, Marie-Françoise: Vegetation in Mesopotamian Temple Precincts: Gardens, “Sacred Groves” or Potted Plants? (59–88)

Guo, Dantong: The Relationship between Egypt and Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000–1550/1500 BCE.) (89–100)

Rebrik, Victor: Zur Frage der kartwelo-sumerischen Sprachenfamilie (101–124)

Chen, Kefeng: A Perspective of the senatus consultum ultimum in the Late Roman Republic from the Constitutional Point of View (125–132)


Pierre Brulé, Women of Ancient Greece (Guo Xia) (133–134)

R. J. Rhodes, Athenian Democracy (Victor Rebrik) (135)

R. Rees, Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (Victor Rebrik) (136)

J. Dillon, Salt and Olives. Morality and Custom in Ancient Greece (Victor Rebrik) (137–138)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2004, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (139)

Books received (140)

Volume 20, 2005

Editor’s Note


Wu, Yuhong: Food and Drink for the King, Queen, Officials and Ancestors in the House of the Lady in Girsu (1–30)

Yiğit, Turgut: A Note on the Administrative System of the Old Hittite Kingdom (31–36)

Besnier, Marie-Françoise: Quelques remarques sur les paysages de Sumer (37–60)

Wehr, Oliver: “Helen of Argos” and “Argeioi” in the Iliad (61–84)

Hüneburg, Mirco: Nördliche und südliche Temehu (85–97)

Boyana, Hülya: The City of Nicomedeia and the Goddess Demeter (99–112)

Storck, Herbert A.: Ganibâtum & Gnbtyw (113–124)

Beylage, Peter: Elliptische Identifikationssätze als Bildungselement ägyptischer Eulogien und Hymnen (125–146)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2005, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (147)

Books Received (148)

Volume 21, 2006

Editor’s Note


Wu, Yuhong: Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Calves and Ducks in the House of The Lady in Girsu (1–28)

Horowitz, Wayne: Cuneiform in Canaan (29–40)

Wehr, Oliver: The Judgement of Paris in Homer (41–60)

Zhang, Bo: The Sed-Festival and Ancient Egyptian Chronology (61–90)

Ruoming, Linghu: On the Establishment of the Unified State in Ancient Egypt (91–98)

Beylage, Peter: Zur inhaltlichen Struktur des Berichtes Ramses’ II. über die Schlacht bei Qadesh (99–112)


Peter J. Rhodes (ed.), Athenian Democracy (Cui Lina / Guo Xiaoling) (113–118)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2006, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (119–120)

Books Received (121)

Corrigendum (122)

Volume 22, 2007


Ozaki, Tohru: Six Sumerian Cuneiform Texts in Japan (1–8)

Ozaki, Tohru: Regarding the Name of the Month ‘iti ezem a dara4’ in Ur III Texts (9–22)

Dumbrill, Richard J.: Babylonian Theonumerics and Scale Systems (23–34)

Crickmore, Leon: A New Hypothesis for the Construction and Tuning of Babylonian Musical Scales (35–68)

Wu, Yuhong: Etymology of Akkadian Month of Ayyaru and Sumerian iti-gud-si~sá (69–74)

Wu, Yuhong: The Sun the Lion: Earliest Hymn to the Sun from Ebla and Abu-Salabikh (2600–2500) (75–90)

Marshall, Adam: Horace and the Life of Leisure: A Commentary on Sermones 2.6.1–76 (91–130)

Wehr, Oliver: Eine Anspielung auf die Aeneas-Sage in Horaz Epode 16? (131–140)


Lowell Edmunds (ed.), Approaches to Greek Myth (Wang Shaohui) (141–148)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2006–2007, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (149)

Books Received (150)

Volume 23, 2008


Wu, Yuhong: Naram-ili, Šu-Kabta and Nawir-ilum in the Archives of Ĝaršana, Puzriš-Dagan and Umma (1–36)

Vukosavović, Filip: Private Collection of Cuneiform Tablets in Jerusalem (37–54)

Ozaki, Tohru: Three Early Dynastic Sumerian Sales Contracts of Immovables Housed in the Okayama Orient Museum (55–64)

Ozaki, Tohru: The Texts Formerly Owned by St. Paul Public Library and Published in SET (65–70)

Gailhard, Nicolas: The Exchanges of Copper in the Ancient Middle East (7195)

Marshall, Adam: Law and Luxury in Augustan Rome (TACITUS, ANNALS 3.53–4) (97–117)

Adams, Geoff: An Analysis of Antoninus Pius’ Frontier Policy in Northern Britain and Its Representation of His Principate (119–137)

Boyana, Hülya: Die Verfassung des Bundes von Delos und die Vorherrschaft Athens (139–149)

Hein, Kristina: Der Mordfall Skarabäus: Ägyptologie in der Kriminalliteratur des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts – ein außergewöhnliches Beispiel (151–159)


Douglas Cairns et al., Pursuing the Good, Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic (Lu Houliang / Guo Xiaoling) (161–164)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2007–2008, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (165)

Volume 24, 2009


Wu, Yuhong: The Earliest Slavery Documents from Mesopotamia (1–34)

Hobson, Russell: A Copy of Copy of Mul.apin from a Private Library at Ashur (35–38)

Horowitz, Wayne: Babylonian Wisdom Literature and the Marduk Cycle: Preliminary Thoughts (39–54)

Ozaki, Tohru: Cuneiform Texts in Japanese Collections (55–76)


Isaac Kalimi, An Ancient Israelite Historian: Studies in the Chronicler, His Time, Place and Writing (Chen Yiyi) (77)

Fritz Graf, Apollo (Wang Shaohui) (78–80)

Claude Mossé, Alexander: Destiny and Myth (Li Yongbin) (81–84)

Pierre Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (Lu Jing / Guo Xiaoling) (85–88)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2008–2009, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (89–90)

Archives of Animal Center of Ur-III Dynasty in Drehem: AACUD Project in IHAC (2005–2010) (90–91)

Books Received (92)

The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Periodic Publications on Ancient Civilizations (92)

Volume 25, 2010


Wu, Yuhong: The Anonymous Nasa and Nasa of the Animal Center during Šulgi 44–48 and the Wild Camel (gú-gur5), Hunchbacked Ox (gur8-gur8), ubi, habum and the Confusion of the Deer (lulim) with Donkey (anše) or šeg9 (1–20)

Bloch, Yigal: Solving the Problems of the Assyrian King List: Toward a Precise Reconstruction of Middle Assyrian Chronology, Part I (21–54)

Bloch, Yigal: Solving the Problems of the Assyrian King List: Toward a Precise Reconstruction of Middle Assyrian Chronology, Part II (55–88)

Sánchez Hernández, Juan Pablo: Livia, Gaius and Lucius Caesares, and the “Twin Lights” of the Pax Augusta (89–98)


Xinru Liu, The Silk in World History, and John E. Hill, Through the Jade Gate to Rome. A Study of the Silk Routes during the Later Han Dinasty 1st to 2nd Centuries CE (J. P. Sánchez Hernández) (99–102)

Andrew Erskine (ed.), A Companion to Ancient History, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Yan Shaoxing) (103–106)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2010, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (107–108)

Archives of Animal Center of Ur-III Dynasty in Drehem: AACUD Project in IHAC (2005–2010) (109–110)

Books Received (111)

Volume 26, 2011


Wu, Yuhong: 19 Years’ Finance of the Household of Geme-lamma, the High Priestess of Baba in Girsu of Ur III (Š31-AS1=2065–2046 B.C.) (1–39)

Wang, Junna / Wu, Yuhong: A Research on the Incoming (mu-túm) Archive of Queen Šulgi-simti’s Animal Institution (41–60)

Sánchez Hernández, Juan Pablo: Pausanias on Caria and Lycia. Past and Present in Roman South-Western Anatolia (61–78)

Xu, Hao: The Inspections of Viziers in Deir El-Medina: Analysis of Administrative Documents in Ramesside Period (19th–20th Dynasty) (79–101)


Raoul McLaughlin, Rome and the Distant East: Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia, India and China (J. P. Sánchez Hernández) (103–105)

Line Overmark Juul, Oracular Tales in Pausanias. University of Southern Denmark Classical Studies 23 (J. P. Sánchez Hernández) (106–108)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2011, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (109–110)

Archives of Animal Center of Ur-III Dynasty in Drehem: AACUD Project in IHAC (2005–2010) (111–112)

Books received (112)

The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Periodic Publications on Ancient Civilizations (113)

Volume 27, 2012


Claessen, Henri J. M.: On Early States – Structure, Development, and Fall (1–37)

Guo, Zilin: Conflict, Communication and Co-Existence: Relations between Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucids (38–60)

Li, Xiaodong: Connecting Past and Future: Analysis of the Wall Decoration in the Tomb of the Vizier Paser (61–98)

Wu, Yuhong / Wang, Junna: The Identification of Šulgi-simti, Wife of Šulgi, with Abi-simti, Mother of Amar-Sin and Šu-Sin, and of Ur-Sin, the Crown Prince, with Amar-Sin (99–130)


Jiang, Guoling: Notes on Lugal-Ma2 Gur8-Re: A Scribe and a Textile Dealer in Nippur, AS 8-ŠS 4 (131–139)

OzakI, Tohru: On the Reading of the Sumerian Word for “Wool” (140–142)


R. Parker, On Greek Religion. Cornell Studies in Classical Philology 60 (Wang Shaohui) (143–149)

Lin Zhichun (aka. RI-ZHI), Collected Works of Ri-Zhi: 5 Vols. Ed. by Zhang Qiang and Liu Jun (Zhang Nan) (150–156)


M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations 2012, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (157–158)

Volume 28, 2013


Claessens, Henri: Easter Island: The Evolution of its Culture until the Destructions of the Nineteenth Century (121)

Ridealgh, Kim: You do Not Listen to Me! Face-Work and the Position of ‘Senior’ Scribe of the Necropolis? (2240)

Wheat, Elizabeth: The Labyrinth Symbol in Ancient Mesopotamia (4164)

Wu, Yuhong / Cheng, Yanli: The Pairs of Cooks in the Royal Dining Hall and the Akiti Calendar during Šulgi 45–48 (65103)


Liu, Guozhong: The Collection of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips (TBS) and Their Scholarly Value (105113)

Li, Xueqin: An Important Discovery Concerning the Origin of the Qin People in the Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts (114120)

Zhao, Ping’an: Why Was Jilian (季連) not Listed as One of the Three Ancestors of Chu (三楚先)? (121135)


Ozaki Tohru / Sigrist Marcel, Tablets in Jerusalem: Sainte-Anne and Saint-Étienne (Changyu Liu) (136139)

George Coedès, Texts of Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East: Texts Revised and Translated by John Sheldon with Contributions by N. Samuel, C. Lieu Faha & Gregory Fox,; John Sheldon, Commentary on George Coèdes’ Texts of Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East (J. P. Sánchez Hernández) (140–143)

Steven Sidebotham, Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route (J. P. Sánchez Hernández) (144147)

Volume 29, 2014


Shi, Ningzhong: A Logic Originating from Yin-yang and Formed in Dao: A Tentative Study of the Logic of Thinking in Laozi (1–22)

Wu, Yuhong: Some Cuneiform Tablets in Jerusalem (23–30)

Engsheden, Åke: Creating an Etymology for Coptic tamio (31–35)

Ridealgh, Kim: The Cohesive Nature of the Late Ramesside Letters (36–49)

Winkler, Andreas: On the Longevity of the χοαχύται in Thebes and Elsewhere (50–62)

Grote, Oliver: ‘The Twenty of the Polis’ and the Drerian Phylai (63–76)

Günther, Sven: Framing the Financial Thoughts of Aeneas Tacticus: New Approaches of Theory to Economic Discourses in Antiquity (77–86)

Müller, Sabine: Arrian and Visual Arts (87–101)

Obryk, Matylda: Reflections on Language in Aristophanes’ Frogs (102–111)


Günther, Sven: Miscellaneum Caesarianum Socio-oeconomicum: War with Words in Caes. BC 3.3.1–2 (112–113)


Alain SCHNAPP et al. (eds.). 2014. World Antiquarianism. Comparative Perspectives. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute (Günther, Sven) (114–116)


Past and Future of IHAC: International Conference for the 30th Anniversary of the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (117–120)

Volume 30, 2015


Yang, Zhenhong (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): The Concepts of “Li ()” and “Fa ()” as well as their Legal Expression in Ancient China as Seen in the Excavated Qin and Han Documents: A Discussion of the Theory of the Confucianization of Ancient Chinese Law (1–64)

Van Wijlick, Hendrikus (Peking Universtiy, Beijing): Constructing Alliances: a New Perspective on Mark Antony’s Parthian Campaign of 36 BC (65–71)

Heil, Matthäus / Schulz, Raimund (FU Berlin / University of Bielefeld): Who Was Maes Titianus? (72–84)

Lü, Houliang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): World Citizens vs. People Chosen by God: Josephus between Judaism and the Roman Empire (85–116)

Kolb, Anne / Speidel, Michael A. (Universities of Zürich and Bern): Perceptions from Beyond: Some Observations on Non-Roman Assessments of the Roman Empire from the Great Eastern Trade Routes (117–149)

Liu, Yin (University of Notre Dame): Admonition, Episcopal Authority and the Use of the Carolingian Past: Hincmar’s De Ordine Palatii in Context (150–169)


Nicole Maria Brisch. 2007. Tradition and the Poetics of Innovation: Sumerian Court Literature of the Larsa Dynasty (c. 2003–1763 BCE). Alter Orient und Altes Testament 339. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag (Mei, Hualong) (170–178)

Volume 31, 2016


LIU, CHANGYU (Institute of East China Sea Rim and Borderland, Department of History, College of Humanities, Zhejiang Normal University): Aba-saga’s Activities during the Reign of Šulgi in the Ur III Dynasty (1–6)

BRAND, PETER J. (University of Memphis): Reconstructing the Royal Family of Ramesses II and ist Hierarchical Structure (7–44)

YUE, MENGZHEN (University College Dublin): Naming the Greeks in the Archaic Period: “Panhellenes,” “Hellenes,” “Hellas” and the Notion of Panhellenism (45–84)

KÜTER, ALEXA (Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin): Imitatio Alexandri – the Image of Drusus Minor on Brass Tokens of the Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (85–122)

Abstracts (123–124)

Volume 32/1, 2017


PALLAVIDINI, MARTA (DAAD P.R.I.M.E Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin / KU Leuven): The Hittite Word kuri/ewana-, kui/erwana-: A New Assessment (1–11)

HEKSTER, OLIVIER (Institute for Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies, Radboud Universiteit): Religion and Tradition in the Roman Empire: Faces of Power and Anchoring Change (13–34)

KIDSON, LYN M. (Macquarie University): Anonymous Coins, the Great Persecution and the Shadow of Sossianus Hierocles (35–53)


GÜNTHER, SVEN (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Introduction (55–67)

GÜNTHER, SVEN (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Ancient Greece (69–81)

REINARD, PATRICK (University of Trier): Ancient Rome (Including Greco-Roman Egypt) (83–105)


MUTSCHLER, FRITZ-HEINER / SCHEIDEL, WALTER (TU Dresden & Peking University / Stanford University): The Benefits of Comparison: A Call for the Comparative Study of Ancient Civilizations (107–121)

GÜNTHER, SVEN (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Ad diversas historias comparandas? A First, Short and Droysen-based Reply to Mutschler and Scheidel (123–126)

Abstracts (127–129)

Volume 32/2, 2017


STEPHENS, MICHAEL (Monash University): Some Thoughts on a Recently Discovered Obelisk Transportation Scene (131–146)

SCHULZ, RAIMUND (University of Bielefeld): Over the Water and across the Desert – Trans-Saharan Contacts of the Mediterranean World in the 6th and 5th Century BC (147–174)

SCHROPP, JACK W. G. (University of Innsbruck): Kaiser Tiberius im Bürgerkrieg: Zu einem Fragment Senecas bei Suet. Tib. 73,2 (175–184)


NEUMANN, HANS (University of Münster): Das alte Vorderasien (185–210)

KÖPP-JUNK, HEIDI (University of Trier): Zur Ökonomie Ägyptens bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches (211–228)

ZHAO, YIFENG (Institute for the Study of Asian Civilizations, NENU, Changchun): The Formation and Features of the Ming / Qing Imperial Agro-mercantile Society (229–256)

Abstracts (257–259)

Volume 33/1, 2018


PICCIN, MICHELA (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Mortality and Fame in Akkadian Texts (1–25)

FALK, DAVID A. (CNRS, UBC, Vancouver): “My Putrefaction is Myrrh:” The Lexicography of Decay, Gilded Coffins, and the Green Skin of Osiris (27–39)

RASHED, MOHAMED GAMAL (Damietta University): A New Concept and Exhibition Program for the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (41–82)

LÜ, HOULIANG (Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Bejing): Dramatic Elements in Polybius’ General History: An Analysis Based on the Model of the Connectivity of the Ancient Mediterranean World (83–112)


SCHULZ, RAIMUND / WALTER, UWE (University of Bielefeld): Bibliographical Survey: Global History, Entangled Areas, Cultural Contacts – and the Ancient World (115–130)

Review of: Victor H. Mair et al. (eds.). 2014. Reconfiguring the Silk Road: New Research on East-West Exchange in Antiquity. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Shi, Xueliang; IHAC, NENU, Changchun) (131–135)

Abstracts (137–139)

Volume 33/2, 2018


ZÓLYOMI, GÁBOR (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest): E-ana-tum and the Ruler of Arawa (141–163)

GYSEMBERGH, VICTOR (FU Berlin): Hipparchus and the "Ancients:" Nechepsos-Petosiris? (165–179)


GÜNTHER, SVEN (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Introduction: Legal Studies in the 21st Century (181–186)

HARRIS, EDWARD M. (University of Durham): Some Recent Developments in the Study of Ancient Greek Law (187–266)

GÜNTHER, SVEN (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Roman Law: Opening the System (267–282)

Abstracts (283–284)

Volume 34/1, 2019


Stephens, Michael Allen (Mohash University): A Reconsideration of the Accuracy of the Reisner Categorisation System of Egyptian Watercraft Hull Types VI–VIII (119)

Nebelin, Katarina (University of Rostock): Intercultural Intellectual Contacts: Archaic Ionia and the Emergence of Early Greek Philosophy (2137)

Rhodes, P. J. (University of Durham): The Athenian Assembly and Council: Continuing Problems (3967)


Justel, Daniel (University of Alcalá, Madrid): Ancient Near Eastern Law (6981)

Lippert, Sandra L. (CNRS, ASM 5140, Montpellier): Ancient Egypt (83111)

Li, Qiang (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Recent Studies in Byzantine Law (113124)

Abstracts (125127)

Volume 34/2, 2019


GÜNTHER, SVEN / ROHDE, DOROTHEA (IHAC, NENU, Changchun / University of Bielefeld): 200 Years after August Boeckh’s The Public Economy of Athens: Perspectives of Economic History for the 21st Century (129–134)

BRESSON, ALAIN (The University of Chicago): The Athenian Money Supply in the Late Archaic and Early Classical Period (135–153)

EICH, ARMIN (University of Wuppertal): The Struggle over Prices and Conditions of Price Formation in Classical Athens (155–187)

FLAMENT, CHRISTOPHE (University of Namur (Belgium)): The Athenian Coinage, from Mines to Markets (189–209)

GÜNTHER, SVEN (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): Narrating Checks and Balances? The Setup of Finance-related Administrative Documents and Institutions in 5th and 4th Century BC Athens (211–227)

PRITCHARD, DAVID M. (University of Queensland): The Democratic Control of Public Spending in Classical Athens (229–243)

ROHDE, DOROTHEA (University of Bielefeld): For Everything to Remain the Same, Everything Must Change! Private Wealth and Public Revenues (245–271)

FRANZEN, WOLFGANG (Forschungsstelle für empirische Sozialökonomik e.V., Cologne): Tax Morale in Classical Athens (273–288)

OBER, JOSIAH (Stanford University): Income Inequality, Political Equality, and Taxation in Late-classical Athens (289–316)

Index of Ancient Sources (317–326)

Abstracts (327–330)

Volume 35/1, 2020


PALLAVIDINI, MARTA (Free University Berlin): Shaping Diplomacy through Language: Networks of Metaphors in Hittite Diplomatic Texts (1–12)

OUYANG, XIAOLI (Fudan University): Managing the Treasuries of the Gods – Administration of the KÙ.AN in Ur III Umma (13–32)

PICCIN, MICHELA (Northwest University, SA): Assyrian Treaties: “Patchwork” Texts (33–70)

HERZ, PETER (Universität Regensburg): Bilanz eines Imperiums. Anmerkungen zum athenischen Staat des 5. Jh. v.Chr. (71–94)

RUFFING, KAI (University of Kassel): Papyri and the Economy of the Greco-Roman World (95–131)

Abstracts (133–134)

Volume 35/2, 2020


HOROWITZ, WAYNE (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Sky Blue, Red Heavens, and Orange over Ancient Mesopotamia (135–146)

SØRENSEN, SØREN LUND / GEUS, KLAUS (Freie Universität Berlin): Medes and Minaeans in Egypt – M 247: Who, Where, and When? (147–160)

ROTHENHÖFER, PETER (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou/Zhuhai): Bemerkungen zu einer Mars Tilenus-Weihung aus Quintana del Marco (Provinz León, Spanien) (EE IX 293) (161–170)



KONSTANTOPOULOS, GINA (University of Tsukuba): The Bitter Sea and the Waters of Death: The Sea as a Conceptual Border in Mesopotamia (171–197)

RUFFING, KAI (University of Kassel): Economic Life on the Fringes of the Roman Empire (199–239)

SCHMIDT, STEFANIE (Free University Berlin / University of Zürich): Between Byzantine and Muslim Egypt. Mobilizing Economic Resources for an Embryonic Empire (241–266)

Abstracts (267–268)

Volume 36/1, 2021


FINK, SEBASTIAN (University of Innsbruck): The Collapse of Early Mesopotamian Empires – A Homemade Disaster (1–31)

AMER, ISLAM (New Valley University, Egypt): Specialized Weavers in First Dynasty Egypt? (33–65)

ARAKELIAN, ROY / YEVADIAN, MAXIME K. (Avocat au barreau de Paris / Université catholique de Lyon): Erato, reine d’Arménie, étude historique et numismatique (67–114)

MELVILLE-JONES, JOHN (University of Western Australia): Obrussa and Oβρυζα: Their History and Meanings (115–136)

Abstracts (137–138)

Volume 36/2, 2021


GUO, ZILONG: Republished Texts in the Attic Orators (139–172)

BERTI, IRENE: Delian Accountability and the Cost of Writing Materials (173–200)

GÜNTHER, ELISABETH: Pictorial Elements vs. Composition? “Reading” Gestures in Comedy-related Vase-paintings (4th Century BC) (201–233)

KATÓ, PÉTER: Wealthy Koans around 200 BC in the Context of Hellenistic Social History (235–267)

SCHMIDT, STEFANIE: Early Roman Syene (1st to 2nd Century) – A Gate to the Red Sea? (269–297)

Abstracts (299–301)

Volume 37/1, 2022


SIMONS, FRANK: The Donkey of Anšan: A Rhino in Mesopotamia? Notes on the Construction of Meaning in a Bilingual Proverb (1–31)

ADAMIDIS, VASILEIOS: Populism in Power? A Reconsideration of the Athenian Democracy of the late 5th Century BC (33–63)

LÜ, HOULIANG: Pausanias’ Cultural Memory and the Roman Empire in his Description of Greece (65–95)

STOLL, OLIVER: Schauspieler, Jäger und Gladiatoren: Bemerkungen zur „Truppenbetreuung“ in der kaiserzeitlichen Armee Roms (97–141)

Abstracts (143–145)

Volume 37/2, 2022


MANNING, SEAN: The Armies of the Teispids and Achaemenids: The Armies of an Ancient World Empire (147–192)

SCHULZ, RAIMUND: Between War of Conquest and Pre-emptive Attack: New Perspectives on the Background to the Persian Wars (193–224)

BURSTEIN, STANLEY M. / FINCH, CALEB E.: Lead Poisoning in Ancient Rome: The State of the Question (225–246)

LAFLI, ERGÜN / LIDDEL, PETER / ÇETINGÖZ, ALEV: Three Inscriptions from Upper Mesopotamia (247–265)


WALTER, UWE: Review of Anderson, G. 2018. The Realness of Things Past. Ancient Greece and Ontological History. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press (267–274)

Abstracts (275–277)

Volume 38/1, 2023

In memoriam Wu Yuhong (1949–2023) (VII–VIII)


LADYNIN, IVAN A.: An Alabaster Sculpted Head of Ptolemy V from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, and Horus Aspects of Late Period Egyptian and Ptolemaic Kingship (1–20)

ARAKELIAN, ROY / YEVADIAN, MAXIME K.: A Study on the Chronology of Coinage Issued by Tigranes II (21–57)

GU, ZHIYING: Corrigenda to the Entry Cicero in OCD4 (59–62)


GÜNTHER, SVEN: Introduction, being a review of: Rathmann, M. 2022. Tabula Peutingeriana. Die bedeutendste Weltkarte aus der Antike. 4th fully rev. and augmented ed. Darmstadt: WBG (63–68)

PETHEN, HANNAH: Space and Topography in Ancient Egypt (69–124)

Abstracts (125–127)

Volume 38/2, 2023


FERRARIO, MARCO: The Steppe Frontiers of Pārsa: Negotiating the Northeastern Borderlands of the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire (129-189)

SMIRNOV, SVYATOSLAV V. / ZAKHAROV, EUGENII V.: Early Ptolemaic Coins from the Collection of the State Historical Museum (Moscow) (191-235)


SINGH, JAGPAL: Trade and Cultural Interaction between the Indus Valley and Ancient Near East: A Survey, Review, and Personal Outlook (237-248)

Abstracts (249-250)

Volume 39/1, 2024


SUCH-GUTIÉRREZ, MARCOS: The Sumerian Term u8/ud5/ab2/eme3/6 sila4/maš2/amar du3(-a) (1-28)

WARNKING, PASCAL: Trade Dependencies and Transaction Costs: The Occupation of Decelea Highlights both the Benefits and the Drawbacks of a Maritime Economy (29-50)

ZHANG, HONGXIA / WEBSTER, ELIZABETH: Image-building and Framing Processes of an Anti-Mother/-Woman in Cicero’s Pro Cluentio (51-72)

GIRARDIN, MICHAËL: Le demi-sicle, de Moïse au fiscus Iudaicus. Histoire d’une téléologie (73-98)


BERTI, IRENE: Der spatial turn in den klassischen Altertumswissenschaften (und speziell in der Epigraphik) (99-121)

Abstracts (123-125)